About Us

With a vision of bringing the latest cutting-edge electronic technologies to the smart mobility market, Chakra Electronics is a team of visionary management, a highly experienced core team of experts, and strategic partners working towards producing core electronic components industrialized for reliability, local regulations, and environments so that the usage of smart mobility takes off exponentially.

Core Team

KP Jagadeesha

CEO & Founder

Technology Leader, 33+ years of industry experience. Successful founder of Product companies for Automotive and Avionics. Expert in Electronics Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management.

Raja Manickam


Ex-Founder of Tessolve Semiconductor.
Serial Entrepreneur  & successful business leader with businesses operating in many countries

Sathya Narayan Rao


30+ years of Industry experience, Semiconductors component sourcing and Supply Chain, and Vendor management. Approved Supplier of Indian Defense and Avionic segments. Manages suppliers across the globe.

Vishwanath Gaonkar

Co-Founder & Director of System

20+ years of Hardware System design expertise in Automotive Industrial & Avionics and leads system team.

Shilpa Saragur

Co-Founder & Director Software

20+ years of System Software in Linux, RTOS and Android expertise and leads the Software team.

Our Vision

Empowering Smart Mobility With Cutting Edge Technologies

Why Choose Us?


Fragmented solution providers creating fragmented products and integration challenges (control units, 4G/5G Connectivity modules, chargers, mobile apps, etc)


Integrated turnkey robust and reliable product solutions that are easy to integrate, and completely made in India.


Highly experienced core team and visionary management. Resources for execution and strategic partnership.


What makes us different from others in the market?

Integrated Product Solution

Smart clusters, Control Systems, BMS, Drives, Charging solutions

Partnership with Semiconductor Vendors

State-of-the-art silicon solutions and tech support

One-stop Solution

Design, Development, and Manufacture Global complaint Product.

Innovation and Test Lab

Technology innovation, Industrialization & qualification Support.

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